Pursuing Peace - Finding Freedom


We are a faith-based mission of peacemaking and reconciliation.

Under the leadership of a Certified Christian ConciliatorTM, we partner with Ambassadors of ReconciliationTM.

Asking for help is difficult in conflict, but professional assistance is often effective toward pursuing peace and finding freedom from the negative consequences of bitterness and estrangement.  Our conciliators are experienced, trained and credentialed by various professional agencies.   We serve by mediating disputes, facilitating collaborative conversations, coaching, and providing training in the skills of effective communication, problem-solving, peacemaking and reconciliation.

As a diverse, faith-based practice, we do whatever we can to help folks be reconciled to one another by making "every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification" (Romans 14:19, NIV) from a Christian perspective.  If you prefer a mediator with a different approach, we encourage you to select from among the qualified professionals at the statewide Mediation Association of Colorado (MAC), the nationwide Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) or your local Bar Association.


Building Healthy Marriages

We conduct workshops and coaching for dating, engaged and married couples to learn and practice positive communication, conflict resolution, expectations management and other skills to enhance their relationships.  Click the heading to go to the project website for more information, to register for a workshop or to request a service.

Peacemaking and Reconciliation

We conduct workshops, coaching and interventions to teach and facilitate biblical peacemaking and reconciliation that is grounded in the mercy, grace and forgiveness that God has granted us in Christ Jesus.  Click the heading to read how and why our founders are involved in this project.

Peacemaking Seed Project

Our own experiences in East African nations as well as conversations and prayer with our African brethren have left us with the conviction to do whatever we can to plant seeds for the development of Community Mediation Projects throughout that region.  To date, we have trained peacemakers in Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, and Uganda. Click the heading to read more about how we plan to proceed.


Please use the form below to get in touch with us for more information or to discuss whatever is on your mind.  We would love to hear from you.

We promise to get back to you as soon as we can.


We maintain a very lean and efficient organization.  There are no paid employees or overhead expenses.  Our administrators are volunteers.  Our coaches, conciliators, educators and mediators are only reimbursed their costs and personal expenses from collected fees and donations.  We do not turn anyone away based on their inability to pay.  Tax deductible donations are therefore gladly accepted, which you can give via PayPal by clicking the button below.